Avoid these bad habits, because they are harmful to heart health
Sunday, August 18, 2019
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Based on the 2014 Survey Reristration System (SRS) survey, deaths caused by heart disease reached 12.9% and were the leading cause of death for Indonesians. That's why we all need to be vigilant and as much as possible must prevent it.
Here are the bad habits we have to leave:
1. Stress
When there are parents who say 'don't mind too much, later it hurts', it turns out that saying can be scientifically justified. Many diseases are triggered due to too many thoughts or stress. So do not underestimate too many thoughts.
Why does too much thinking make people sick? This is because when we are stressed, the blood pressure in our body will increase and this will cause heart disease. Harmony R Reynolds of the Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center in New York, United States suggests socializing and laughing with friends to relieve stress.
2. Lazy Cleaning Teeth
Everyone must brush their teeth twice a day, or in the morning, evening and before going to bed. However, many people underestimate this and do not know that the symptoms caused by teeth will have a major effect on the health of other organs. Lazy cleaning teeth will cause problems in the teeth and mouth which can cause inflammation in the body. Including the blood vessels and eventually narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis.
3. Not Exercise Regularly
4. Overeating
Obesity can be caused by eating too much food. Reduce also drink sweet drinks and replace it with mineral water only. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of heart disease, this can occur due to the amount of fat in the body that causes plaque that can block blood vessels.
5. Watch TV
That's the bad habits that we must avoid so that our heart health can be maintained. And don't forget to eat healthy and nutritious food and don't forget to exercise too, friend! If this is useful for you please share by pressing the share button below. Thanks for reading.
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