Signs That Your Kidney Is Damaged
Friday, August 16, 2019
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Every day the kidneys work to filter blood in our bodies to ensure that our bodies continue to function normally as usual. However, when the body is too busy with our routine and does not pay attention to eating patterns, it could be that the organs in our body will begin to need attention and show symptoms of damage.
The following are the characteristics that the kidney has been damaged and must go to the doctor to check the condition of the kidney:
1. Difficulty Sleeping
When the kidneys do not work properly, the toxin that should be released together with urine will actually settle in the blood. The increase in the amount of toxins in the blood can actually affect a person's sleep patterns. This is what causes people with kidney problems often have difficulty sleeping. In fact, it can result in kidney failure in some people who experience these insomnia disorders.
2. Headaches, fatigue, and lethargy
Kidneys that work normally process vitamin D in the body to keep bones strong and to help produce the hormone Erythropoietin (EPO). This hormone plays a role in producing red blood cells in the body. If the kidneys do not work properly, then the production of EPO will be inhibited, so the production of red blood cells that function to carry oxygen throughout the body will decrease and cause a person to be easily tired physically and mindfully.
If someone has a chronic disorder like this, then most likely he will suffer from anemia 20% to 50% greater than people who have normal kidneys. If you feel that you are getting enough sleep which is about 6-8 hours per day, but you often feel tired, then try to learn to manage the routine. Increase exercise and improve your diet too. And if this does not work, immediately visit a doctor to ask about this.
3. Dry and Itchy Skin
Healthy kidneys turn out to perform extraordinary functions in removing various impurities in the body fluids from the blood, helping the production of red blood cells, and also maintaining the amount of mineral substances in the body. Itchy and dry skin is a sign of the body that the body is experiencing kidney failure in maintaining the amount of minerals and nutrients in the skin.
4. Bad Breath and Smells of Iron
When impurities accumulate in the blood cells, this will cause changes in the taste of the food eaten, the food eaten will taste like iron in the mouth. In addition, people who experience disorders of Ginjla also have bad breath despite being diligent in brushing their teeth. Both of these symptoms can indeed cause a person to lose his appetite so they will more easily lose weight.
Actually there are still many reasons why the food you eat tastes like iron caused by allergies or lack of care in the mouth. Normally, the taste of iron in the mouth will disappear after the cause is successfully cured. However, if the taste of buying in the mouth reappear, immediately visit a doctor.
5. Shortness of Breath
Reporting from the page, the relationship between kidney disorders and shortness of breath may be caused by two factors. First, excessive fluid in the body will settle in the lungs due to kidney failure. Second, this is caused by anemia, anemia causes the body to weaken so that someone has difficulty breathing.
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