The Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Urin

The body secretes toxins and harmful substances through the urine or urine. Therefore the color of urine can indicate a healthy body condition or the possibility of certain diseases in the body.

Here are the various colors in urine or urine and their meanings:

1. Dark Chocolate

Beware, if your urine is brown or dark brown, because it can indicate that your body has a liver, kidney, or urinary tract infection or hemolytic anemia. Even so, brown urine can also be caused by drug side effects. For example antibiotics or laxatives.

2. Solid Yellow

If the color of urine is dark yellow, it means you should drink more mineral water. Because the body is dehydrated.

3. Orange

Orange-colored urine can also indicate your body that your body is dehydrated. However, if the urine is colored orange is accompanied by pale or white stool conditions, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Because of strong indications there is interference with the liver or liver.

4. White and cloudy

Urine that is white like milk or cloudy and smells indicates an infection of the urinary tract. This can occur due to bacteria, fungi or viruses in the body. So, if you have this sign, do not delay, consult a doctor immediately.

5. Pink or Red

Red or pink urine may result from consuming beets, blackberries or other red fruit.
But sometimes, this condition also indicates that there are serious diseases such as bloody urine, kidney disease, tumors in the kidneys, bladder, or prostate disorders.

Then what is the color of healthy urine ?, Healthy urine varies in color. There are clear, golden yellow to pale yellow. What is clear, the more you drink mineral water, the clearer your urine.

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