Habits That Can Trigger Cancer
Monday, August 19, 2019
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Cancer is known to always end by making the sufferer become dead, therefore until now cancer is still a scary figure for everyone. Even though there are people who recover, the number of deaths with cancer is greater.
So that we can avoid this disease, we must be able to pay attention to body health, one of which is habits when consuming food.
Here are habits that can trigger cancer:
1. Too often smoking
It has often been heard that smoking can cause lung cancer, therefore excessive smoking is not good for health, because cigarettes contain many toxins and carcinogenic zaat which can trigger the growth of cancer cells. Frequent smoking can not only cause lung cancer but also prostate cancer. This prostate cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. If you do not want to get prostate cancer, then stop smoking right now.
2. Playing Smartphone until Late at Night
Exposure to light from a smartphone, television or computer screen can affect the onset of prostate cancer. Playing smartphones, computers or watching television until late at night can reduce the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. As a result, the body will not be able to have quality sleep. Research conducted at Harvard found that men who don't sleep well at night have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.
3. Terlalu Banyak duduk
According to researchers, they said that 70,000 cancer patients found that sitting more than 2 hours could increase colon or intestinal cancer by 8 percent, and lung cancer rose by 6 percent. Especially in women, an increase in endometriosis cancer can go up to 10 percent.
4. Eating Too Much
Too much eating is not a good thing, we already know that if we eat too much it will cause disease. Meanwhile, obesity is one of the factors that can cause cancer.
Now those are the factors that can cause cancer, if you are afraid of getting cancer then stay away from those things. And don't forget to eat healthy and nutritious food and don't forget to exercise regularly and regularly. If this article is useful for you, please share this article. Thank you
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